2020: Success in the face of deep challenge

Framewrx International

It should go without saying that 2020 has been one of the craziest years in recent memory. We’ve dealt with an unprecedented global pandemic, climate related catastrophes, and perhaps most pointedly, a stark reckoning with deeply embedded racism – past, present, and future. In the face of these challenges, we have kept quiet … but we have also kept busy. In fact, 2020 has been the most productive year we’ve had since we started working in Haiti.

2020 accomplishments:

  • 10 rainwater harvesting systems, serving 4000+ people

  • Coronavirus awareness campaigns in all 62 villages in our project area

  • 1,580 hand-washing stations, serving 12,000+ people

Our project manager, Sonel, has shown considerable initiative and vision in recruiting and organizing people in his community to get directly involved with what we do. Together, we have also developed a system of reporting and financing, which ensures work is completed in a timely manner, and that we are as effective and impactful as we can possibly be. 

Although rare, community driven projects and processes, are the future of aid and development work. We are both proud to have made this our focus over the past five years, and we are excited to continue making innovative movements in this direction.

2021 objectives

  • 12 rainwater harvesting systems

  • 3 community shade structures to increase agricultural production

  • Incorporate feminine hygiene into our WASH program, and train female presenters

  • Expand into a new area of Haiti

If we are to continue growing our impacts inside of Haiti, we must also grow our donor base outside of Haiti. Another challenge from 2020 - that ALL NGOs are facing in 2021 - is the dramatic fall of donations and funding. We were fortunate to have secured just enough funding to get us through 2020, but we are now back to square one for 2021.

Please consider making a (tax-deductible) donation today. Thank you!


What We’ve Accomplished


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