What We’ve Accomplished

Our approach is focused on fostering local leadership within the communities we work with. Because of our approach, we have been successful in the face of the deep challenges we allude to in our previous post (Hurricane Matthew, severe political crises, and the coronavirus pandemic). Focusing solely on Rainwater Harvesting Systems (RHS), here are our accomplishments since 2016:

  • 2016: 5 RHS, serving 1350

  • 2017: 5 RHS, serving 1700 (*also rebuilt 2 systems destroyed in Hurricane Matthew)

  • 2018: 6 RHS, serving 1850

  • 2019: 8 RHS, serving 2475

  • 2020: 10 RHS, serving 3525

  • Totals: 34 RHS, serving 10900

The Rainwater Harvesting Systems we build are an infrastructure investment, permanently serving the communities we work with. This is an important distinction, as most aid and development work incorporates a “band-aid” approach, which does little to actually solve the problems people are faced with.

Your can support our work HERE … please consider making a monthly donation :)


Water is not…


2020: Success in the face of deep challenge